Friday, July 22, 2011

Greetings from Aspen!

Each summer I spend a few weeks in Colorado’s serene Roaring Fork Valley to unplug from the bustle of running a national nonprofit and reconnect with my spiritual mission for the year. The Little Chapel services cease and the fast-paced information overload that has become a routine aspect of modern life is purposefully quieted. In silence and solitude we hear our truest voice and in peace we open our hearts to a rich and prolonged dialogue with God.

While I have many messages I want to share, it is important to set aside personal experience, belief systems and current interests to allow God’s plan ample space to reveal itself. One year God guided me towards celebrating the angels among us, while another series of sermons focused heavily on finding the keys to unlocking our hearts so that powerful miracles can manifest in our lives.

My hope for each one of you is that you find sacred space to still your mind and make room for the Holy Spirit to guide your soul. A favorite vacation spot, a picnic table at the park or even brightening a corner of the basement with a desk and some curtains to create a hideaway office can give you the privacy you need to have that special conversation between you and your Creator.

For me, Aspen is where I find that serenity. In this scenic landscape, painted with the precious hues of God’s limitless palette, I look forward to letting Him create. I will poise my pen to paper and wait for His words of wisdom to come alive on the page. After receiving this divinely inspired text, the best part of the experience will be returning home to share them with you!

With bountiful blessings, plenty of prayers and lots of love,

 Sara O’Meara