Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Solace of Gratitude

The Solace of Gratitude

In times of bounty and ease, gratitude springs effortlessly from our hearts. But what do we give thanks for during difficult days when our tables are less plentiful and our hard work has not yielded the harvest we had dreamed of? This year I ask you to take a personal inventory of your soul and seek thankfulness in a unique gift of God that is stronger than any struggle and emerges in the toughest of times to help us persevere: Hope.
A good way to look at HOPE is as an acronym for (H)ealing, (O)pportunity, (P)ersonal growth, and (E)nlightenment.
HEALING: Without hardships we never have the chance to test our strength, resilience and individual power. The recent crushing recession has brought many to their knees, but while in that position of surrender, those who began praying have released their hearts to God’s healing grace.
OPPORTUNITY: They key word in opportunity is “unity” and when we emerge from sorrow and start making connections with our community, new doors begin to open in our lives. Pray for guidance in giving when it seems you have nothing to contribute. God will put you to work and help you discover your passion in life.
PERSONAL GROWTH: Recessions literally reduce life to its essential elements and allow us to understand the difference between what we want and what we need. This is the space where we can explore who we truly are, stripped of artifice, and who we want to become.
ENLIGHTENMENT: A rare sunny day during a bleak winter brings everyone out of their homes and breaks all routines. Never do we strive towards light more than when the days are dark and dreary. If we use this period of recovery as a time to heal, give so that we may receive opportunity, grow and seek solace in something larger than ourselves, we will enlighten our spirits to shine with the gratitude of God’s love.