Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who Is Running Your Business?

God’s Strategic Plan

There are a million models for business planning that teach us the latest techniques for building thriving enterprises destined for success, but have you considered God’s Strategic Plan?

The Lord’s resume is one of creative talents and global leadership capabilities. In fact, God is such a great Founder and CEO that the tools necessary for you to manage your personal and professional life are at your fingertips.

The Employee Handbook: All corporations have guidebooks to structure daily operations and God has put key concepts in religious texts, such as the bible. Have you read the Ten Top Tricks of the Trade? (hint: they’re commandments and they work really well!) Review God’s essential rules for conduct and see if these best practices don’t make the business of work and life ten times better.

God’s Boardroom: God is always available on conference call and the solution to so many day-to-day questions can be found in prayer. Stop fighting systems, wrestling with colleagues and working against your spirit. God is one of those leaders with an open-door policy and a willingness to listen to your heart.

Your Strategic Plan: God has a divine purpose for you. It is a plan that takes you on an incredible journey with many learning experiences to ensure that you have the life experience to carry out your mission to the fullest. It is a job no recession can strip away, an industry that remains thriving, there is a great emotional benefits package and a retirement plan that probably beats your current 401K: eternal salvation.