Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Find the Dove within Your Heart

Find the Dove within Your Heart

From the Royal Air Force to the nonprofit Childhelp, a dove brands an organization with special significance. Each holiday season we wish peace and joy for others. Often our cards feature the image of a dove and we recognize this as a symbol of peace, love and the Holy Spirit. They are also considered messengers of hope.

In Genesis 8:11, a single dove was released by Noah after the great flood to find land. The dove returned over the seas with an olive branch showing that there was land ahead and a brighter future for all.

This season, the Little Chapel asks you to find the dove within your heart. Let us not be boxed in and walled away from one another by our differences. Instead, let the Holy Spirit make space in our hearts to love one another as brothers and sisters.  

At the end of each chapel service we sing “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” One of the verses says, “With God as our Father/Brothers all are we/Let me walk with my brother/In perfect harmony.” Indeed, positive change begins within and radiates outward.

We are inviting you to spread your wings and fly. If your heart is heavy with grief, make this the year you let it go. If your spirit cannot soar because of an unforgiving nature, let this be the year you make peace. You will find that love truly sets you free; free as a dove.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Message from God

God Has a Message for You!
Consider all the times you have reached out to God asking for guidance and reassurance. Even when answers don't come quickly, God is always moving your life closer towards a divine plan.
Click Here to receive: A Message from God  

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Halos of Everyday Heroes


The halo or aura image has been present in art for thousands of years. From Pisanello’s 1430s vision of holy light to modern day depictions, it represents enlightenment, godliness and grace.
One of the goals of The Little Chapel is to inspire us all to find the little miracles that permeate every aspect of life and to seek the aura within. An aura is simply defined as the energy emitted by a being, a luminous glow that comes from the spirit and shines light upon others.
God gives each of us the inner light to radiate hope and love upon those we meet each day. At a service in September, a woman stood to receive a healing and after her miracle, she told Sara O’Meara, “I can see auras and yours is pink and filling the entire stage.”  
Little Chapel volunteer, Victoria Bowmann, happened to have an aura app on her iPhone and asked Sara if she could photograph her during the service. When she took the picture, it showed a huge pink aura illuminating the stage and chapel members. Victoria said, “I believe the Holy Spirit is moving God’s love through Sara so that those who are open and ready for healing will be deeply touched.”
In life, we encounter earthly angels in our midst. Remember to slow down and see the auras of those you love. Celebrate the halos of everyday heroes!


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Preparing for Prayer Healing

How Do I Prepare to Receive God's Healing Power?
Sara O'Meara shares secrets to preparing for prayer healing
1. Understand that God is the healer
2. Open your heart to receive blessings
3. Belief, trust and faith are essential
4. Surrender to your miracle  
Click here for a short instructional video: Preparing for Prayer Healing

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sara O'Meara: Awakening to God

Wake Up That Sleepy Spirit! 

Is your spirit slumbering? Is your heart heavy? Is your soul tired? When you awaken to God, your life becomes limitless! Enjoy this short sermon by The Little Chapel's own Sara O'Meara and prepare to open your heart to boundless miracles and endless possibilities.

Click here to begin a joyful journey of awakening: Awakening to God