Thursday, October 27, 2011

Inspiration on the Go!

Inspiration on the Go!

A little angel informed me that Miracle Healing: God’s Call is now available for Kindle and iPad so that stories of hope and inspiration are at your fingertips no matter how far from home your travels take you.

I find that my conversation with God doesn’t just take place in times of formal prayer or while ministering to my congregation; God is always sharing wisdom and little miracles throughout the day. It is up to each of us to pay attention, heed the signs and open our hearts to His word.

While nothing replaces a lovingly worn family Bible passed down for generations, our computers, cell phones, Kindles and iPads are great when you need that quick scriptural quote, an email connection to a trusted friend or a little word of hope from a blog (like this one!)

Yvonne Fedderson’s book suggests that miracle healings are strictly “God’s call” (a favorite phrase of mine) but we can open our hearts to be ever ready to receive His grace. When we feed our minds and spirits with positive messages and joyful stories, we triple our chances for miraculous events to happen in our lives.

Wishing you inspiration on the go!

Sara O’Meara

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