Thursday, December 15, 2011

God’s Gift to You

God’s Gift to You

This is the season of trust, faith, love, joy and peace. It is a time when we gather with those we care for deeply and share from our souls. As enriching as our exchanges with family and friends can be during the holidays, it is important to set aside time to initiate a deeper dialogue with God.

I urge friends of the Little Chapel to commit quality quiet time to your spiritual development during which you talk to God. Intimacy makes it possible to hear God’s wishes and divine plan for our individual lives. Only in still times will one hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God’s wishes are not shouted. It takes a sensitive heart and a sensitive ear to hear God’s personal message for your unique path and that voice comes to you in your sanctuary at still times.

God offers us the true key to life; the answers and solutions to living with kindness of heart, a trusting spirit, faithful belief that we deserve blessings, and an existence of caring love. Trust, faith, love, joy and peace are the strongest words in the human language.

Trust and have faith that you will find love in your conversation with God and you will experience joy in releasing your life to God’s perfect plan. As for peace, when we answer God’s call, peace begins within each one of us and radiates outward like the brilliant rays of the sun. That is God’s gift to you.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Solace of Gratitude

The Solace of Gratitude

In times of bounty and ease, gratitude springs effortlessly from our hearts. But what do we give thanks for during difficult days when our tables are less plentiful and our hard work has not yielded the harvest we had dreamed of? This year I ask you to take a personal inventory of your soul and seek thankfulness in a unique gift of God that is stronger than any struggle and emerges in the toughest of times to help us persevere: Hope.
A good way to look at HOPE is as an acronym for (H)ealing, (O)pportunity, (P)ersonal growth, and (E)nlightenment.
HEALING: Without hardships we never have the chance to test our strength, resilience and individual power. The recent crushing recession has brought many to their knees, but while in that position of surrender, those who began praying have released their hearts to God’s healing grace.
OPPORTUNITY: They key word in opportunity is “unity” and when we emerge from sorrow and start making connections with our community, new doors begin to open in our lives. Pray for guidance in giving when it seems you have nothing to contribute. God will put you to work and help you discover your passion in life.
PERSONAL GROWTH: Recessions literally reduce life to its essential elements and allow us to understand the difference between what we want and what we need. This is the space where we can explore who we truly are, stripped of artifice, and who we want to become.
ENLIGHTENMENT: A rare sunny day during a bleak winter brings everyone out of their homes and breaks all routines. Never do we strive towards light more than when the days are dark and dreary. If we use this period of recovery as a time to heal, give so that we may receive opportunity, grow and seek solace in something larger than ourselves, we will enlighten our spirits to shine with the gratitude of God’s love.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Inspiration on the Go!

Inspiration on the Go!

A little angel informed me that Miracle Healing: God’s Call is now available for Kindle and iPad so that stories of hope and inspiration are at your fingertips no matter how far from home your travels take you.

I find that my conversation with God doesn’t just take place in times of formal prayer or while ministering to my congregation; God is always sharing wisdom and little miracles throughout the day. It is up to each of us to pay attention, heed the signs and open our hearts to His word.

While nothing replaces a lovingly worn family Bible passed down for generations, our computers, cell phones, Kindles and iPads are great when you need that quick scriptural quote, an email connection to a trusted friend or a little word of hope from a blog (like this one!)

Yvonne Fedderson’s book suggests that miracle healings are strictly “God’s call” (a favorite phrase of mine) but we can open our hearts to be ever ready to receive His grace. When we feed our minds and spirits with positive messages and joyful stories, we triple our chances for miraculous events to happen in our lives.

Wishing you inspiration on the go!

Sara O’Meara

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Miracle Healing: God's Call "Testimonials of Miracles through Sara Buckner O'Meara" by Yvonne Lime Fedderson

Exciting Endorsements for Miracle Healing: God’s Call

Discover the miracles our great spiritual leaders are talking about!
Order Today at

“Miracles transform fear to love, loneliness to a life of engagement and illness to a state of wellbeing. Sara O’Meara has spent her life encouraging others to prepare their hearts for the possibilities of personal miracles.”

--Marianne Williamson, founder of The Peace Alliance and author of over 10 books including A Return to Love and The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife

“Everyone sooner or later needs a healing! My great friend, Sara O’Meara, allows God to use her as a conduit for extraordinary spiritual and physical healings. I know you may be touched and even healed while reading these stories of true miracles.”

--Mark Victor Hansen co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul series

"Sara O'Meara is truly an angel on Earth. As an agent of God's healing power, Sara has spent her lifetime sharing her gift of love and hope to believers of all faiths." 

-- Doreen Virtue, author of more than 20 books including Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels books/angel cards

“This extraordinary book is a manifestation of the power of God’s love. I have witnessed the miracle of God healing people while Sara is praying for them. In fact, I myself was a recipient of such a healing. The true stories in this book provide absolute proof of God’s gift to Sara and to the world.”

--Nick Bunick, subject of the New York Times Best Seller, The Messengers

“As a vessel of God’s healing power, Sara O’Meara has spent a lifetime sharing her gift of grace and spreading her message of hope.”

--Cheryl Ladd, iconic actress and philanthropist

“I’ve experienced God’s healing love working through Sara in the Little Chapel numerous times and I have been the recipient of healings there myself. Open your heart and allow God to bless you as you read about these life-changing miracles. One of the greatest miracles is the friendship and working relationship of these two phenomenal women-Sara and Yvonne-for over five decades.”

--Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Golden Globe winner and legendary star of stage, screen and film 

 “Sara O’Meara is truly an angel on Earth.  As an agent of God’s healing power, Sara has spent her lifetime sharing her gift of love and hope to believers of all faiths.”

--Sharon Lechter, editor of Outwitting the Devil and co-author of Think and Grow Rich – Three Feet from Gold and Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Friday, July 22, 2011

Greetings from Aspen!

Each summer I spend a few weeks in Colorado’s serene Roaring Fork Valley to unplug from the bustle of running a national nonprofit and reconnect with my spiritual mission for the year. The Little Chapel services cease and the fast-paced information overload that has become a routine aspect of modern life is purposefully quieted. In silence and solitude we hear our truest voice and in peace we open our hearts to a rich and prolonged dialogue with God.

While I have many messages I want to share, it is important to set aside personal experience, belief systems and current interests to allow God’s plan ample space to reveal itself. One year God guided me towards celebrating the angels among us, while another series of sermons focused heavily on finding the keys to unlocking our hearts so that powerful miracles can manifest in our lives.

My hope for each one of you is that you find sacred space to still your mind and make room for the Holy Spirit to guide your soul. A favorite vacation spot, a picnic table at the park or even brightening a corner of the basement with a desk and some curtains to create a hideaway office can give you the privacy you need to have that special conversation between you and your Creator.

For me, Aspen is where I find that serenity. In this scenic landscape, painted with the precious hues of God’s limitless palette, I look forward to letting Him create. I will poise my pen to paper and wait for His words of wisdom to come alive on the page. After receiving this divinely inspired text, the best part of the experience will be returning home to share them with you!

With bountiful blessings, plenty of prayers and lots of love,

 Sara O’Meara

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Sara Says About Her Healing Gift

I have no special power, it all belongs to God.  I am merely his obedient servant to be used as a conduit – a vessel – for Him.  The credit in no way belongs to me and I am the first to know that.”

I have often said that if I personally possessed the power to heal, I would travel across the country clearing out hospitals and ensuring that everyone I touched was rejuvenated in body and spirit.  In sharing my personal story and the tale of others who have been made whole through The Little Chapel ministry, I seek to shine a spotlight on the greatest physician, psychologist, and wellness practitioner the world has ever known: The Holy Spirit. 

Before the fabulous group Doctors without Borders circled the globe saving lives, God was expressing his compassionate love and concern for us by healing our bodies and souls. There were never any borders dividing individuals through the artificial categories of race, creed, sex, class and religion.

Many ideologies seem to separate mankind into various camps and groups.  I strongly believe that the Creator’s intention was never to design isolating boxes. We need to amalgamate our religions, going beyond the divisions that separate us and seeking to meld our hearts and minds to a single vision of God. God made us all. In God’s eyes, we are all his children.

Faith is the source of discipline, power and meaning in the lives of those who ascribe to any major belief system.  It is a potent force. A shared faith binds people together in ways that cannot be duplicated by other means.  The purpose of any church, temple, cathedral or place of prayers and meditation is to teach the love of God above all things. It is to appreciate and understand these teachings so much that you practice them and live them.

Mutual loving behavior brings and sustains peace within ourselves and this expands the potential of peace throughout the world.  If we wish to honor our religions, it is our loving behavior that will demonstrate real affection for God.

Like a caring parent, God comes to comfort us when we are sick and afraid. Through His healing grace we will be touched spiritually and have new opportunities to refocus our lives to be truly centered in Him.

In the healing ministry, the one who is the channel for healing and those who are asking for His mercy are sensitized to the presence of God through the power of prayer. It is wonderful to have faith and positive thinking but healing is ultimately involved with the salvation of the whole person.

Divine healing includes one’s relationship to God. When we are healthy and secure, sometimes we forget to honor God, but when we become sick, we rush to Him. It is important to instigate a dialogue with Him before we need His healing touch. It’s God’s call, but it’s our dime. AT & T used to have a popular slogan that said “reach out and touch someone.” God is willing to heal but we must keep the lines of communication open, listen to his wisdom, and have faith in His counsel.

Faith does not demand miracles, but often accomplishes them. When God heals, He is leading the soul to a new life of service. In living a faith-driven life, we take advantaged of God’s preventative medicine and save our souls from deterioration, inflammation and decay.

To remember God only when we are in dire pain and forget Him after being blessed is a sad response to His goodness. God’s purpose for us when we receive healing is to draw our spirits closer to His will. God’s intent through healing is to allow us the remarkable renewal of being touched spiritually. In accepting this gift, we are called upon to refocus our lives to be truly centered in Him.

Being healed can feel like receiving a new life. It is almost a rebirth. To extend the analogy of the parent by your bedside, God asks for little in return. Like the child who has been brought back to health, we should give all that we have.

Fortunately, God wants little more than for us to believe in Him, act in love and fulfill the destiny He has devised for our lives. Each one of us has a purpose and mission. God wants us to find, pursue and complete that divine goal. By our awareness, we can recognize these heavenly aims and by attempting to fulfill His purposes for us, we will reap rewards greater than our fondest dreams.

In breathing our souls into our bodies, God gave each of us an assignment; a mission to further His kingdom on earth.  These individual purposes, however humble and modest our own may seem, are supremely important because no one else can accomplish each component like we can.

Each one of us has a particular talent to share with the world. When we recognize our individual skills and work towards God’s greater good, we are truly united. It is then unlimited what God can do for us and through us.

Hold firm to God’s purpose for you and He will faithfully take you step-by-step through all necessary preparations. Your greatest role is to give Him yourself and let Him be the guide.  The Bible tells us that the Lord is glorified in a people whose heart is set at any cost, by any road, upon the goal which is God, Himself.  Any road, even a difficult path beset by enemies, can be traveled if the passionate desire for good holds you steadfast in God’s guidance. God will sustain you through adversity and direct you through challenges if you let Him.

Begin to open yourself completely and give your life to God. It is never too late to place Him first and ask for His divine guidance. Open up your heart and ask God to reveal His plan.  He will tell you. The ultimate purpose of following your destiny to a place of divine healing is to manifest the works of God and give glory to Him. 

The intent of healing has one focus: becoming closer to God.  The physical and mental healings are marvelous, miraculous demonstrations of God’s love and compassion in action, but the primary purpose remains spiritual growth:  finding God as your very own miracle worker.

I always think of God’s plan like a tapestry. Each personal history is a thread that God is weaving. Each stitch is important in His pattern for our lives. Without our loved ones and those who are so unique and different from us, we would not have such a beautifully designed piece. When we fight God’s will, fraying His handiwork, we unravel His masterpiece to rags. When we return to Him in forgiveness and faith, when we ask to be healed in spirit as we are in body, He will patch up our tapestry with golden threads and mend our souls for eternity.

God bless you on your journey,

Sara O'Meara