Friday, April 13, 2012

A Return to Spirit

A Return to Spirit

April and the Easter season evoke thoughts of resurrection and renewal of the spirit. When we internalize lessons of peace and personal growth, we bring scripture to life in our hearts and souls.

This is an ideal time of year to review where we have been, places in our lives that have ceased to thrive and ways in which we can reinvigorate our spirits to soar. The journey begins with an honest internal assessment. Ask yourself these questions:

Am I living my personal truth?
Where are the blockages that keep me from broadening my beliefs?
Do I feel fulfilled?
Is there balance in my life?
Am I putting God first?

Your personal truth evolves from your faith and continued dialogue with God. It requires you to open your heart and mind to the messages God sends you through signs and experiences. Blockages to this exploration come in the form of self-doubt, addiction, acting outside of integrity and dwelling on negative thoughts.

Fulfillment is the process of interpreting and committing to your personal truth and using it to guide you towards definitive life decisions that add peace, joy and harmony to your own existence and the lives of those around you. Balance is the blending of responsibility and happiness into a state of reliable contentment.

In all pursuits of personal betterment, resurrection and renewal, you must put God first and let the Holy Spirit be your guide. When you accept each earthly action as part of God’s divine plan, you emerge wiser and more serene. The image of the dove offers a glimpse of what is possible with God in your heart. The key to resurrecting your spirit is knowing when to be peaceful and when to spread your wings and fly.

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