Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Receive Your Gift

There is an old adage that says “it is better to give than to receive.” Indeed, scripture instructs us to be generous and selfless with our lives. Still, God offers so many gifts in return for your altruism that this holiday season the Little Chapel wants you to reach out and receive heavenly treasures chosen especially for you.

R. E. C. E. I. V. E.

Richness-Financial prosperity is not the only measure of our riches; a life filled with love is more precious than gold.

Energy-When infused with the Holy Spirit, age and illness cannot trap the vibrancy of our souls.

Creativity-Turning your life over to God enhances the world around you and opens your senses to endless possibility.

Expressiveness-Confidence in faith translates into the strength to testify and share our experiences with others.  

Intelligence-Beyond common wisdom, your belief in a higher power infuses your life with a deep sense of knowing and meaning.  

Vitality-Spiritual exhaustion and everyday malaise are countered when you stop struggling and walk with enthusiastic ease down the path God has prepared for you.  

Enlightenment-This is the greatest gift of all for it resides in your heart, guides your every move and allows you to speak in the spirit of God without fear, judgment or shame. It is your perfect state of being and God’s greatest gift!  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Little Chapel is Back!

A Return to Joy

The Little Chapel of Paradise Valley welcomes believers of all faiths to join our spirit-filled fall season of life-changing services. [see schedule on right sidebar]

Sara O’Meara has returned from her yearly writing retreat with stirring new sermons guided by the hand of God and destined to reach your heart. For every word the Holy Spirit inspires, there is a special soul fated to receive that message.

Life poses so many questions: What is my purpose? Why am I here? What does my future hold? Will I be healed? What does God want for me today, tomorrow and for eternity?

The Little Chapel encourages you to pray, join our mission and seek the solutions and spiritual paths destined to improve your health, happiness and sense of wellbeing. Your miracle is waiting are you ready to claim it?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Praycation: A Spiritual Journey

A Spiritual Journey

A vacation offers the ultimate getaway and “staycation” is the new word for downsized escapes centering ‘round hearth and home, but have you ever taken a praycation?

Sometimes the greatest journey you can embark upon begins with placing your hands together in prayer and asking God to help navigate the map of your soul. Often you discover uncharted territory, insights off the beaten path and an endless landscape of love opens up before you.

Occasionally interior travels find you exploring rough terrain, bumpy roads of regret and the empty spaces where your path has strayed. When you pray too hard for personal pedestrian wishes and dreams to come true but neglect sending God gratitude or praying for others, you lose your way. Instead of saying, “I want to go here God” or “I want you to bring me this God” consider asking, “Where do you want to put me so that I may best be of service?” or “Holy Spirit, today I ask nothing but to be filled with the divine light of your purpose.” Rather than trying to plan the whole trip yourself, wander a bit knowing that God will be your compass.  

Pack light for your praycation (lightening your heart is all that’s required), know that the longest journey begins with a single step (or kneel) and return from your travels refreshed with God’s purpose for your life. The Little Chapel cannot provide you with definitive directions to your place of personal joy, but we can promise that bowing your head in humility and pressing the right palm to the left will activate God’s GPS, always bringing you back to the home in your heart.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who Is Running Your Business?

God’s Strategic Plan

There are a million models for business planning that teach us the latest techniques for building thriving enterprises destined for success, but have you considered God’s Strategic Plan?

The Lord’s resume is one of creative talents and global leadership capabilities. In fact, God is such a great Founder and CEO that the tools necessary for you to manage your personal and professional life are at your fingertips.

The Employee Handbook: All corporations have guidebooks to structure daily operations and God has put key concepts in religious texts, such as the bible. Have you read the Ten Top Tricks of the Trade? (hint: they’re commandments and they work really well!) Review God’s essential rules for conduct and see if these best practices don’t make the business of work and life ten times better.

God’s Boardroom: God is always available on conference call and the solution to so many day-to-day questions can be found in prayer. Stop fighting systems, wrestling with colleagues and working against your spirit. God is one of those leaders with an open-door policy and a willingness to listen to your heart.

Your Strategic Plan: God has a divine purpose for you. It is a plan that takes you on an incredible journey with many learning experiences to ensure that you have the life experience to carry out your mission to the fullest. It is a job no recession can strip away, an industry that remains thriving, there is a great emotional benefits package and a retirement plan that probably beats your current 401K: eternal salvation.

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Return to Spirit

A Return to Spirit

April and the Easter season evoke thoughts of resurrection and renewal of the spirit. When we internalize lessons of peace and personal growth, we bring scripture to life in our hearts and souls.

This is an ideal time of year to review where we have been, places in our lives that have ceased to thrive and ways in which we can reinvigorate our spirits to soar. The journey begins with an honest internal assessment. Ask yourself these questions:

Am I living my personal truth?
Where are the blockages that keep me from broadening my beliefs?
Do I feel fulfilled?
Is there balance in my life?
Am I putting God first?

Your personal truth evolves from your faith and continued dialogue with God. It requires you to open your heart and mind to the messages God sends you through signs and experiences. Blockages to this exploration come in the form of self-doubt, addiction, acting outside of integrity and dwelling on negative thoughts.

Fulfillment is the process of interpreting and committing to your personal truth and using it to guide you towards definitive life decisions that add peace, joy and harmony to your own existence and the lives of those around you. Balance is the blending of responsibility and happiness into a state of reliable contentment.

In all pursuits of personal betterment, resurrection and renewal, you must put God first and let the Holy Spirit be your guide. When you accept each earthly action as part of God’s divine plan, you emerge wiser and more serene. The image of the dove offers a glimpse of what is possible with God in your heart. The key to resurrecting your spirit is knowing when to be peaceful and when to spread your wings and fly.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Cheryl Ladd Praises Miracle Healing: God's Call

Iconic actress and philanthropist Cheryl Ladd endorses Miracle Healing: God's Call with kind words of inspiration:

"As a vessel of God's healing power, Sara O'Meara has spent a lifetime sharing her gift of grace and spreading her message of hope."
                                                                                                         -Cheryl Ladd 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Resolutions and Miracles

Have you broken any New Year’s resolutions yet? As time progresses, ambitious aims seem to falter and this can make us feel like we are not living up to our true potential. Our lists and initiatives are not always part of God’s plan. Sometimes we create lofty success strategies that have very little to do with the true spiritual growth necessary in our lives.

I have often said, when you look for a miracle, keep in mind that God awaits your invitation and desire to have the Holy Spirit enter your life. It’s not that God isn’t doing phenomenal things; it’s that we have allowed ourselves to react negatively to life’s problems to the point where we no longer spot miracles that are happening all around us. Just because a blessing wasn’t on your list of New Year’s resolutions doesn’t mean that God is not guiding you towards betterment and self-improvement.

What we want and what God wants for us can be two different things. God will never deny your destiny but sometimes delays it so that you can learn important lessons along the way. Rather than say, “I have broken my resolution” consider saying, “I need God to direct me towards accomplishing my goals. I got off track because I am learning about myself and the process is not easy. I will open my heart and ask God to guide me back to the road of resolve.”

God is not punishing you when things do not go your way; God is preparing you for the beautiful day when they do!