Friday, December 20, 2013

Replace New Year’s Resolutions with God Solutions

Self-improvement is wonderful and the Little Chapel wishes you all the best with your New Year’s Resolutions, but we challenge you to add spiritual development to this year’s list!

1. Rather than just resolving to lose weight, lighten your spirit with daily prayer.  

2. Instead of only decluttering your house, declutter your mind of negative thoughts.

3. Spending more time with family is a great goal and spending more time with God will get you there.

4. Watching the budget is important, but never forget that giving to worthy causes returns to you tenfold.

5. Writing or regular journaling can help you get in touch with your feelings. We feel that adding a daily devotional (spiritual quote or Godly wisdom) will guide your pen.

6. Letting go of old baggage starts the New Year off right. Ask God to help your heart find forgiveness.

7. Love is important in every life and God helps you learn to love yourself. Once you discover the beauty of God’s grace, the Holy Spirit will glow from within.

8. Making new friends is fantastic and churches (like the Little Chapel) are great places to meet like-minded people.

9. Traveling broadens your life but the journey of your soul is the greatest trip of all!

10. Leaning a new hobby will enrich you but turning to God’s trusted word offers a foundation of faith that lasts forever.


  1. Hi Sara, Could you and your friends please pray for my left arm and shoulder to heal completely. It is hurting so much today. It is a sport injury.

  2. I am so sorry to hear you are suffering. I will pray for your left arm and shoulder to heal and let God work his healing grace.

  3. Dearest Sara, i received a call from a dear friend of mine who enlightened me on a path to your healing light. I was diagnosed with cancer. I know your love can open my heart and free me from this dis-ease. I am open to receive the healing love of God, now and forever. God bless you Sara!

  4. Bless your heart! You are in my prayers. Please come to the Little Chapel and let the power of collective prayer work in your life.
